Friday, November 10, 2006

Ten Good Minutes

As you probably know, I've tried to blog before, and I've usually failed. This probably makes Andrew Laney happy, but really, this is the kid that didn't get a cell phone until he was like 84 years old (and that's in human years, not andrew laney years, where he'd actually be like 453). Well, I'll try a new approach here, instead of long ramblings whenever the muse strikes me, I'll try to give you 10 good minutes... I'd like to say daily, but really, just as often as I can. And yes, you might have to listen to me talk about hockey once in a while, but i'll try to keep it to a minimum, as well as other things i'm prone to ramble about, like talking about my blog. We won't have an overriding theme here, is basically the gist of what i'm trying to say. Being a jack of all subjects, a master of none is the main idea of what i'm trying to convey. Ok, I'll stop ripping off the family guy now...

of course, as some of you may point out, mainly Vallone, that 10 good minutes is really just a ripoff of ESPN's Pardon the Interruption, and its segment 5 Good Minutes, where the hosts stop arguing and interview someone relevant for 5 minutes. Well, yes, if this is a ripoff, than be it so. But I figured I'd declare it now before you called me out on it.

Other than that, I don't have much to say. Meghan and I are off to see the Departed tonight, I'm looking forward to it. I think pretty much everyone has seen it at this point, so i'm a late bloomer here, but thats ok. I hear its on the Boondock Saints side of goodness.

Now for something completely different - apparently the Red Sox might be the highest bidder for that pitcher in Japan that's supposed to be really, really good. Well, great. We bid up to $45 million dollars just to spend $100 million dollars. That'd be like... well, i don't know if there even is an analogy for that. Its just crazy. don't get me wrong, i'm happy about having a great pitcher in Boston, but can you imagine spending $40 million on the right to maybe spend a lot more, or otherwise prevent the Yankees for doing so? Does anyone remember 2004? We're still in the 5 year grace period people.

A note to those who are not: Watch Studio 60. Please. Its a really good show, and often times talks about how good shows get cancelled and bad shows stay on the air, when that may be the case for the show itself. Please watch it, it is good. Please.

I'll admit, I'm watching the OC again. I quit after that weekend a couple years ago (can you believe that its on season 4??). Meghan made me commit, she said it was going to be good again and it actually is. For me its like the last two seasons never happened, a) because they sucked, and b) because I saw maybe 4 episodes from them total. If you liked season 1, go watch the new season. All you need to know is that Marissa is dead, and Ryan is still brooding, and that they're still all 30 years older in real life then on tv. Great stuff.

Song I'm digging right now: Wet Sand by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Talk about a late bloomer to that album... wow. If you haven't heard it, give it a listen, Stadium Arcadium. I'm sure 90% of people that would like it heard it 6 months ago, and the other 10% heard it a month later when they were told about it, but if for some reason you've been living under a rock for half a year, go listen.

Times up. See you soon. Or so we think...

1 comment:

  1. the OC without Marissa is like hell without the devil. Much better. :)
