Saturday, May 30, 2009

Not So Liberal Cat Blogging Pt. 2

I tried to get some action shots out of kitty... unfortunately "nap" and "more nap" are the only types of action he really cares for...

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

DSLR Pt. 2

I couldn't help myself when it came to the "continuous shoot" function...


Meghan's new camera officially kicks ass. If we usual equation, this is my longest post, at about 5,019 words...

Not So Liberal Cat Blogging

First in not-quite-a-series of cat related posts:
From last weekend's party in Rockport, this was officially the freakiest. cat. ever.

Friday, May 22, 2009

That Time of Year

Well, this is the point where I usually bang out about 8 posts and then forget about my blog for another 6 months... yep, its Memorial Day Weekend. And though I have 5 relaxing days this year (a 25% increase over last year), I'm just rolling around to the first post a day and a half in.
So what gives, you may ask?
Well, maybe its just too damn relaxing. Meghan is chilling in the hammock; we did lunch with Senor Bill down in Hyannis, and yesterday was spent getting a few things done (painting a bookshelf, visiting the midwife, ect).much
Or maybe I'm just lazy. I figure that's what most of you will assume anyway, so...

Sadly, my greatest desire right now is to play some boule. I don't know why. But its pretty much all I want to accomplish this weekend. Sadly, I have a few things working against me. My boule partner is 8 months pregnant, which means the idea of throwing a hefty stone about the yard immediately puts her to sleep (similar to many, if not all other activities). Also, I don't actually own a boule set. I understand that there's one across the street at my disposal, and I can easily procure one at many local stores... but that's a lot of effort, especially from the comfort of my chair here in the back yard. So if you are out there reading this over the long weekend, and you are up for some boule, come own down. I'll even spot you two points if you bring your own boule set.

If you aren't interested in the long drive down, well, I guess I have a little more for ya'... I've been hitting up a couple of websites recently. has some great wallpapers, which may seem inconsequential to you, as you can find wallpapers anywhere these days, but I've been using the site specifically for their fantastic images that are preformated for dual screens (for work) and also for the iphone. I found the site through another site, I haven't poked around lifehacker too much yet, but its already lead me to sites for wallpapers and given me a basic DSLR tutorial... fairly useful that.

Well, that's about all the randomness I can cram into a single post right now. Watch out for (potentially) more this weekend. And, as always, if you can't be good, be safe.