Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Chanting: Its Not Just for Gregorian Monks Anymore

One more thing on tonight's developments: If you thought the term "change" had become senseless, the mindless chanting of the brainless wonders that are the folks at the candidate campaign headquarters has been top notch tonight:

Mitt Romney
"Mich-A-Gan! Mich-A-Gan"
Well, it was better than chanting "Sec-ond-Place!", where he seems to keep finding himself.

John McCain
"John-Mc-Cain! John-Mc-Cain!"
If you went through years of POW torture, your obviously addled brain may need a reminder of your name once in a while, this way, he was assured he knew who he was, and didn't accidentally concede to himself.

Ron Paul
"End-The-Fed! End-The-Fed!"
Obviously, they didn't expect to get on TV, as this was as productive as some other recent unsuccessful chats, such as "Lets-Go-'Fins!" and "Mike-Gra-Vel!"

Barack Obama
"Yes-We-Can! Yes-We-Can!"
...mop the floor! ...drive a car! ...eat an entire... wheel of cheese! This was the worst, really, it was just insufferable. He needs to grow up, people are going to get sick of the "I'm the best thing since sliced bread" routine. Ugh, I can't even be funny about this.

John Edwards
"Mell-An-Camp! Mell-An-Camp!"
ok, I make that one up. But I wouldn't put it past them.

God help us if these nutcases ever get past three syllable phrases... these guys may never get through their speeches!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed the hardest at your Obama chant :)

    And look, I am learning the difference between Obama and Patrick! Really, it was as simple as realizing which creepy vibe comes from which man. Obama gives off the vague unsettling feeling - like he might be a pod person, but you can't be sure. Patrick gives off the "I love to spend other people's money" vibe.

    I'm not sure which is worse.
