Sunday, July 1, 2007

Friday Nights: Coming Soon to a Tuesday Night Near You

So you may have noticed that my Friday night ritual (all of two weeks old) didn't happen this week... I sort of got sleepy after seeing Knocked Up last night. Sorry about that, but its just not the same not being down at the Cape. But I hope to give you a special, patriotic Tuesday, July 3rd Fright Night special this week, we'll see. At any rate, I had a bit of a ramble on the B's in my last post (you probably haven't yet/won't ever read it), but I just wanted to apologize for my tardiness -
As mentioned in the previous post this project has been keeping me busy, but ah well. Here's something to get you through:

Always classic - and I think its important to re-watch as we're entering election season early this time around... watch the whole thing if your bored, but whatever you do don't miss the 6-8 minute-ish mark, classic stuff.

1 comment:

  1. This is entirely unrelated to your post with the awesome video clip, but whenever I read your sidebar and see "Meghan OG", all I can think of is GTA San Andreas and OG Lok, the wanna-be ganagster.
