Ok, maybe Vallone is right. I may be the worst blogger ever. That's all I have to say to that. We'll just leave it there.
I've been busy? Sorta... I'm apathetic? Probably... right, I said I would drop it. Ok, its dropped.
But I do have something, a lot of things, to say. For once.
But first...
...hold on...
... wait for it...
... ok, there it is. I just got over the Patriots losing to the Colts. There, I feel better.
Ok, so first of all, to my friends, the Democrats of Taxachussetts, well, YOU FREAKING GOT WHAT YOU DESERVED. Remember when the tolls on the pike were coming out? AND NOW THEIR GOING UP? And Devil thinks he can just use the police helicopter for his own personal use? Come on. I know that reading the Herald and listening to my right wing wack jobs in the AM may be a bit... well, misguided. But they had this a-hole pegged for what he is, a rich SOB that is as fake as he is arrogant, and it makes me sick. Did I vote for a stick in the mud that couldn't have found this state's way out of its problems? ABSOLUTELY!!! AT LEAST WE WOULDN'T BE IN REVERSE RIGHT NOW! (On a completely unrelated note I'm starting to think that trying the old "R" wouldn't be a bad idea when driving from Canton to Waltham to go to Boston on a Monday morning. I'm sure the cars around me would be thrilled. But wouldn't that amuse you? Slightly? If the person in the car in front of you just spun around and threw it in reverse and waved, because really, you can do 10 MPH going forwards or backwards. Anyway...)
But seriously. Let's just all agree to agree that he sucks. I'm just hoping that he scurries off to Washington in two years to be Osama's chief of staff or secretary of agriculture, or horticulture, or the grand poo-bah of the FFA, or whatever that post is called. Blech.
Ok, so I'm done with that. Enough anger. Let's move onto the Commuter Rail. (blood pressure rising...)
Uhm... well, we could talk about mergers and acquisitions (...slight heart palpitations...)
... or how about overdraft fees? (eyelid twitching... brain functions ceasing... )
Well, there are some things that make me happy.
The Bruins make me happy. For now. But we're in a slightly tenuous place right now. I finally watched a full game the other night, so I'm sure they're going to go off with some floozy and cheat on me tomorrow... er lose. Sometimes the lines between real and make believe get blurred with me.
Did I ever mention the time that I mistook a stapler for a time stamper at work? I kind of wish that I hadn't...
Also, Meghan makes me happy. I just though you would all like to know that.
See? That's Meghan. She's standing along side the wall to the new estate I just bought. I'd show you the estate but really, it kind of takes a while to upload a picture.
So we'll just skip that and you can use your imagination.
What else makes me happy? Well, how about the crazy Newport cat that decided I was a scratching post??
Good Kitty.
See? And I told Laney I would score some RI pu.... nevermind.
Speaking of metros, spontaneous drives to Manchester the night before going to Newport, not only does that make me happy, but it was kind of crazy! Boy I'm old...
I'm also happy to announce that I'm the real father of BOTH Bridgett Moynahan's ziggy, and Anna Nicole's baby... and I'm the little voice in Britney's ear telling her to keep leaving rehab. I'm also responsible for the continuance of the war in Iraq. But I'm supposed to keep that one under wraps. Bushie made me pinkie swear.
Did you notice that I look awfully sexy in that picture above? Now if I could only get the top to look as good as the bottom...
So why am I telling you all this? Is it because I'm crazy? Or that I feel really bad for not blogging for such a long time, or due to this for letting down Vallone? No.
I tell you all this because the only thing that was keeping me together in this crazy world was the OC. And now its over.
You may be asking yourself, well, you could be asking yourself a lot of things, but i'm sure first and foremost you're asking yourself what I'm talking about. But Andrew, I thought the OC didn't happen after season 1? Well, it didn't. And I'm pretty sure that to keep my balls, i'm not aloud to go into great detail here, but its over. After one (mostly good) season (1), one bad season (again, I like my balls... I rub them like Tom Green tells me to... oh, slight tangent, when was the last time that you heard his name? I bet that's the first thing you thought of when I brought his name up, uhm...where was I, oh season 2), one Rocky V season (3), and one quasi-redeeming season (4... or what they allowed them to shoot of 4), the show that had as much potential as New Coke fizzled out just like... that's right... Clear Pepsi.
Is it a sad night? Absolutely. I mean, I feel like I practically grew up with Ryan Atwood. I mean, come on he's old enough to be one of my brothers.
But in all seriousness, there's a valid point to be made here. The Cohens (at least when I watched the show, not during the dark periods we don't talk about) we happy. They had a lot, but they were happy. And there were a lot of people with a lot more on that show that were very unhappy. (and in some cases very unliving.) And isn't that what we all want? Like I told Meghan last weekend, money may not buy happiness, but more money certainly could buy more happiness. The key is, you have to be happy first. It may have been a TV show, but I want to be happy (and rich) like that. Not to say that I'm not (happy that is, i'm certainly not rich)... well, like I said, there's a valid point to be made in there, I'm just not quite the right person to make it. But I am happy. And even if I weren't i'd settle for learning the brooding thing...
So yeah.
I am happy. There are things that make me happy, like Meghan (she's my person), and the knowledge that one day I will be able to own season 4 of the OC on DVD, and gin. And knowing that you probably didn't make it though all of this psychosis to find someone to institutionalize me. And that maybe, very far off in the future, I'll be able to splice a few key moments of seasons 2 and 3 into an unintelligible 2 minute train wreck to bridge the gap between the only two real seasons on the OC. Just maybe.